Ordering at uhrcenter is easy

Placing an order online:

  1. Place an article in the shopping basket by clicking "Add to Basket".
  2. You can see all the items in your shopping basket when you click on "Basket". Here you can delete items or change the quantity.
  3. If you want to order the items in your shopping basket, you can click "Go to Checkout".
  4. During checkout you can enter your delivery and payment data.
  5. Before you place your order you will find a summary of the order data (particularly invoice and delivery address, item, price, quantity, method of payment). You can revise the order data by clicking on "Change".
  6. You place your order when you click on "Buy now".

Order by phone: +49 7031 43744-0

You can call our hotline from Monday to Friday 8:30 to 16:30 CET.

When you have gone through the whole online order procedure, inputting all the data required and - in the last ordering step - have clicked the button "Buy now" you have made a firm order. After you have placed the order we will send you an email confirming the reception of your order, showing all the details (confirmation of reception). This confirmation does not represent an acceptance of your offer but only informs you that we have received your order.

At the latest by the time the goods have been delivered you will receive from us all the customer information, which you should print out for your records. The purchasing agreement comes into effect as soon as we confirm the order or with delivery of the goods and confirmation of dispatch.

Any questions left?

If you can't find an answer here, don't hesitate to write us an email, use our contact form or simply call us. From Monday to Friday between 8.30 and 16.30 CET our customer service is glad to be there for you.

Service hotline: +49 7031 43744-0 • Email: info@uhrcenter.deContact form

Payment at uhrcenter: safe, easy – and just the way you want

Payment at uhrcenter: safe, easy – and just the way you want

Simply choose the right payment method for you. When paying by online bank transfer or payment in advance you receive 3% advance payment discount. In addition, you can also conveniently pay by Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, cash on delivery, credit card, direct debit, giropay, Google Pay, invoice, part payments or PayPal. You can find further information on our page about the different Payment Methods.

Shipping partner

With DHL Preferred Delivery you can receive your parcels whenever and wherever you like within Germany. The service of DHL offers you a flexible parcel reception: your shipments will be delivered as you wish. For more details, see our Delivery Options.