Coeur de Lion Jewellery

Coeur de Lion Jewellery

Coeur de Lion has been designing uniquely beautiful jewellery for women for more than 30 years. Coeur de Lion jewellery unfolds its incomparable magic in the virtuoso interplay of clear shapes and bright colours. This is particularly evident in the world-famous GeoCUBE collection. The label “Handmade in Germany” is just as authentic and real at Coeur de Lion as the high-quality materials that are used in production. Women's jewellery from Coeur de Lion is handcrafted with enormous creativity, stylistic subtlety and the utmost care. The individual pieces of jewellery are optically perfectly coordinated. Bracelets, earrings, rings and necklaces from Coeur de Lion go nicely with every look. Keeping up with the times in fashion with timeless beauty: with jewellery from Coeur de Lion, you too can do this very easily.

Coeur de Lion Jewellery
Coeur de Lion Necklaces
Coeur de Lion Bracelets
Coeur de Lion Earrings
Coeur de Lion Rings
Items 1 - 80 of 115

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